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A bargain twin house villa for sale in installments, model E3, wide garden view, sea view, with the lowest total 0
See 15 photos
EGP 26,000,000

A bargain twin house villa for sale in installments, model E3, wide garden view, sea view, with the lowest total

Madinaty, Cairo
18 hours ago
TypeTwin house
Area (m²)316
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
BalconyPrivate GardenCentral A/C & heatingGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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In the third phase, Four Seasons Villas - Group 25 Available, a smart model E3 villa For sale in installments over 11 years Moderate and unused land area Wide garden view - sea direction Consists of Ground floor (Reception * Terrace * Kitchen * Bathroom) First floor (Total 3 bedrooms, including a master bedroom with dressing * Bathroom * Living room * 2 terraces) Roof (Service room with bathroom * Villa flat) Free transfer Ready for transfer Total contract (26,000,000) Deposit (1,625,000) Required down payment (8,316,000) including the paid and the over For more details Mr. Hesham Barakat (View phone number) (View phone number) Madinaty is a new multi-use community that provides balance and diversity in housing types, natural backgrounds, commercial services and recreational facilities for its residents and nearby visitors Our core values ​​are the basis of our work and building trust with our clients to obtain a service We seek to provide a distinctive real estate experience for the consumer Zone Real Estate Company for Real Estate Consulting and Marketing in Madinaty, Rehab and New Cairo With 12 years of experience in the field of real estate marketing and consulting to provide the appropriate property with the best facilities in the shortest possible time As we have the largest database that provides all needs, whether residential - commercial - administrative or hotel
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