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Admin space for rent, 1100 square meters, directly on the southern 90th - Fifth Settlement 0
See 13 photos
EGP 1,375,000

Admin space for rent, 1100 square meters, directly on the southern 90th - Fifth Settlement

South 90 Street, New Cairo
4 hours ago
TypeOffice Space
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)1,100
Admin space for rent, 1100 square meters, directly on the southern 90th - Fifth Settlement  •Unit type: administrative headquarters  •Area: 1100 meters * Offer type: rent * ⁠Round: Fourth  * ⁠Location: Directly on the southern 90th * Finishing type: fully finished * Type of license: Administrative     Payment terms  • Price per meter: 1250 pounds   • Down payment: 3 months  Insurance: two months   •Increase rate: 10% about places An Egyptian company established in 2020. It was founded by partners with more than 7 years of experience in the field of administrative spaces to large companies and local companies, and helping companies to find suitable spaces for them in the best places and at the best price, and taking into account all requests from finishing or furnishings to find the best places for companies in All over the Republic: easier and faster for customers, in addition to reviewing contracts and negotiating prices, showing the customer all places with different areas and prices, and determining the market price for the customer so that he is fully aware of the market prices around him.
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