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EGP 182,000

American bully puppy boy from Russia

Madinaty, Cairo
2 weeks ago
AgeLess than a year
American Bully puppy boy from Russia children for whom we choose the most loving and caring hands? -No? I'll tell you and even show you a little bit (e) listen: #madewithlove, from birth they were surrounded by maximum care and grow up in love to this day) they are litter trained, eat on their own. The parents of the babies are multiple champions of various exhibitions - you can see their "track record" And the parents' show career speaks of a stable psyche and good ability to adapt to society& Whiskers, paws, and a tail are certainly good, but these children also have a full paper trail (passport, puppy) and a chip to record the data of the future owner. On the 25th, the second vaccination will be given children can be taken home and even started to be walked There are less than half of the free children left Video available B. D:26/11/24 price:3500$ TikTok : ahmed shawky egypt dogs Instagram: egyptdogs_official facebook : Dog Egypt
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