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An apartment  ready to move pure installments, close to all services, in the most distinguished residential location in the Bosco Compound, the Admini 0
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EGP 3,500,000

An apartment ready to move pure installments, close to all services, in the most distinguished residential location in the Bosco Compound, the Admini

IL Bosco, New Capital City
3 hours ago
Area (m²)126
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Delivery TermNot Finished
Private GardenCentral A/C & heatingSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater Meter
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Apartment for immediate receipt, fully paid in installments, close to all services in the best residential location - in Bosco Compound - New Administrative Capital - a fully serviced compound Area: 126 meters Floor: First Number of rooms: 2 master rooms Number of bathrooms: 3 Receipt: Immediate Total price: 3,500,000 - including everything - . . . Misr Italia, the developer of the project, has given great attention to the facilities and services in Bosco Compound, 4 club houses in the area designated for apartments, shopping malls, gardens, parks, artificial lakes, cafes, restaurants, swimming pools, private garages, gym, jacuzzi, administrative units, 24-hour security system, schools, cinema, schools, and green spaces designated for walking  Administrative ---------------------------- Il Bosco City, the city of the future, is an integrated residential compound with all services, located in the most important and distinguished areas of Cairo, you will be in a unique and distinguished world, a world where everything around you is green spaces and beautiful natural landscapes, the project was established in the international architectural style Il Bosco Mostakbal City is located near the New Administrative Capital. • It is also located along what is called the Golden Square. • The compound is located opposite Palm Hills Compound, New Cairo. • While the compound is located opposite Oro La neighboring cities. • The location of Il Bosco City New Cairo is connected to the eastern ring road. • The Bosco Compound in the Fifth Settlement includes a number of sports clubs to play all games. Fitness halls, saunas, spas, gyms and jacuzzi are available with the latest equipment at the highest level. Special safe areas for practicing sports were taken care of --------------------------- Properties for sale in Bosco Mostakbal City - City of the Future Apartments for sale in Bosco Mostakbal City - City of the Future Houses and villas for sale in Mostakbal City - City of the Future
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