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EGP 2,100

Anker A1363 PowerCore Wired Power Bank, 20000 mAh - Black

Karmous, Alexandria
9 hours ago
Price TypeNegotiable
TypePower Banks
Listen to non-stop music or watch uninterrupted videos while you are traveling. Battery shortage is no more a difficulty when you have the Anker PowerCore Wired Power Bank. Thanks to its portable size, you can effortlessly fit in your small or big bag. It has a simple design that makes its use easy. Moreover, you do not have to spend much time for charging this Anker wired power bank. 5.5 hours of charging can give you excellent backup for a prolonged time. It has a capacity of 20000mAh that offers speedy charging and battery backup that lasts long. This Anker PowerCore power bank has a stunning black color that suits its brilliant design. KEY FEATURES Small Size, Big Power Double Duty 20000 mAh Black TRAVEL-FRIENDLY DESIGN Are you worried if there is no charging point near your desk in the office? Do not fight with your colleagues to charge your phone first; just carry this Anker PowerCore portable power bank in your bag. Its lightweight and small design makes it ideal for carrying during your long journeys. Anker A1363 PowerCore Wired Power Bank, 20000 mAh - Black HIGH-SPEED CHARGING Engineered with advanced technical specifications like Anker Power IQ high-speed technology, this Anker PowerCore wired power bank charges your devices in no time. It is designed with two output USB ports that allow you to charge two devices at the same time. Description Listen to non minus stop music or watch uninterrupted videos while you are traveling. Battery shortage is no more a difficulty when you have the Anker PowerCore Wired Power Bank. Thanks to its portable size, you can effortlessly fit in your small or big bag. It has a simple design that makes its use easy. Moreover, you do not have to spend much time for charging this Anker wired power bank. 5.5 hours of charging can give you excellent backup for a prolonged time. It has a capacity of 20000mAh that offers speedy charging and battery backup that lasts long. This Anker PowerCore power bank has a stunning black color that suits its brilliant design. KEY FEATURES Small Size, Big Power Double Duty 20000 mAh Black Anker PowerCore wired power bank HIGH minus SPEED CHARGING Engineered with advanced technical specifications like Anker Power IQ high minus speed technology, this Anker PowerCore wired power bank charges your devices in no time. It is designed with two output USB ports that allow you to charge two devices at the same time. Anker PowerCore wired power bank TRAVEL minus FRIENDLY DESIGN Are you worried if there is no charging point near your desk in the office? Do not fight with your colleagues to charge your phone first; just carry this Anker PowerCore portable power bank in your bag. Its lightweight and small design makes it ideal for carrying during your long journeys.
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