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Apartment 100m sale Privado Madinaty Fullyfinished 0
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EGP 11,181,000

Apartment 100m sale Privado Madinaty Fullyfinished

Privado, Madinaty
18 hours ago
Area (m²)100
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Apartment for sale in Madinaty Apartment 100 m for sale in Privado Madinaty Area 100 m 1st floor Ready to move Fully finished 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Kitchen Reception Total Price 11,181,000 EGP Down payment 3,100,000 EGP A city of international standards, Madinaty stretches over 33.6 million m2 whilst delivering an accommodation capacity of 120,000 housing units to serve 600,000 residents. ECG’s commission in the mixed-use development ranges from the design to the construction supervision of 95% of the city’s development works. Acting as an extension of New Cairo City, Madinaty features an 159-acre open-air mall, villas, apartment buildings, golf retreats, healthcare facilities, hotels, educational institutions, sports and social clubs, and entertainment destinations. The city will also have innovative and unique services on its fringes which will cater to the needs of nearby towns and even to the needs of the inhabitants of Greater Cairo. These services will include: water sports areas, shopping centers, and varied educational institutions. Activities Civil Works Communications and security systems Electrical Mechanical Structural Scope Construction supervision Detailed design Tender documents
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