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Apartment 183 m-Delivered- Palm Hills (New Cairo) 0
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EGP 7,800,000

Apartment 183 m-Delivered- Palm Hills (New Cairo)

Palm Hills New Cairo Compound, New Cairo
17 hours ago
Area (m²)183
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Covered ParkingPets Allowed
Real estate developer: Palm Hills (New Cairo) - Type: Apartment - Building area: 183 m/sq - Consisting of : Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 - Delivered  Finishing: core and shell Facing North =================================== **Financial details: Total price = 7,800,000 including maintenance and the club - ** Specific contact information on (View phone number) =================================== Palm Hills Development Company is proud to announce the Palm Hills New Cairo project. Our latest development features mosaic and creatively designed apartments overlooking abundant greenery and stunning landscapes. for further information Located at Kilometer 45 on the Cairo-Suez Road, the long-awaited KM45 project will include several united residential units in the Bahariya area and finally the city center and parks – all connected through spacious public spaces that give a unique and vibrant character to public life. Appointed as an inclusive and diverse political candidate KM45 is not only an ideal place for political living, but also a major face
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