Apartment for rent 135m water heater (branched from Galal El Din El Desouky) - 18,000 EGP per month
• Agent: Ahmed Moussa (View phone number)
• 3 bedrooms (including a master bedroom) - 2 reception rooms - 2 bathrooms
• 9th floor and 18-story building
• Rooms and reception open view
• Licensed apartment, 2017 buildings
• 18,000 EGP per month
• Contract terms: (one month in advance - two months security deposit - one month commission)
• Code: 03009
To know more details about the unit, contact the agent: Ahmed Moussa
Tel: (View phone number)
WhatsApp: https://wa. me/2(View phone number)
Or send us your name and number on the page messages and we will contact you
To contact the company directly Or to join the team:
Contact us: (View phone number)
WhatsApp: https://wa. me/2(View phone number)
Company headquarters: Alexandria, Smouha, 14th of May Road, Pharmacists Towers, Tower 5, 2nd floor