Apartment for rent furnished 220m Raml Station (next to Ibrahim Al-Qaed Mosque and steps from the Faculty of Pharmacy) - 30,000 EGP per month
Real Estate Agent / Fares Harby (View phone number)
5 rooms - 1 bathroom - 2-piece reception
8th floor and the property has 9 floors
One room has a sea view
The apartment is licensed
Contract terms: One month in advance - One month security deposit - One month commission
Unit code: p250203
Residential apartment for rent furnished Raml Station, Ibrahim Al-Qaed Mosque, Alexandria
Palmjumeirah Resalstate Sales
To contact us: (View phone number) - (View phone number)
To honor you at the company's headquarters: 234 Abdel Salam Aref Street, Laurent, 6th floor