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**Apartment for Rent with Kitchen, First Occupancy in Galleria Moon Valley Compound** 0
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EGP 22,000

**Apartment for Rent with Kitchen, First Occupancy in Galleria Moon Valley Compound**

Galleria Moon Valley Compound, New Cairo
17 hours ago
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)130
--- **Apartment for Rent with Kitchen, First Occupancy in Galleria Moon Valley Compound** - **Unit Type**: Apartment   - **Unit Category**: For Rent   - **Area**: 130 sqm   - **Floor Number**: First Floor   **Unit Layout**:   - **Number of Bedrooms**: 2 Bedrooms   - **Number of Living Rooms**: 2 Reception Areas   - **Number of Bathrooms**: 2 Bathrooms   - **Number of Balconies**:   - **Kitchen**: 1 Wooden-Fitted Kitchen   - **Finishing Type**: Ultra Super Lux   - **Land Share**:   - **Price for the Unit**: 22,000 EGP per month + two months security deposit + one-month company commission   - **Unit Reference Number**: (EM0433)   - **For Viewing**: Contact: (View phone number) / (View phone number)   **Unit Features**:   - Wide Street, Garden View   - Close to all services   - Near Malls and Commercial Complexes   **Nearest Location to the Unit**: Galleria Moon Valley, Golden Square, New Cairo, South 90th Street, New Cairo.
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