Apartment for sale 225m Camp Caesar (directly on the sea) - 11,000,000 EGP cash
• Agent: Kyrollos Hanna (View phone number)
• 3 bedrooms (including a master bedroom) - 4 reception rooms - 2 bathrooms
• Laundry room
• 8th floor and 14-story building
• Rooms and reception sea view
• Licensed apartment, 2010 buildings
• 11,000,000 EGP cash
• Code: 01099
To know more details about the unit, contact the agent: Kyrollos Hanna
Tel: (View phone number)
WhatsApp: https://wa. me/(View phone number)#(2(View phone number)
Or send us your name and number on the page messages and we will contact you With you
To contact the company directly or to join the work team:
Contact us: (View phone number)
WhatsApp: https://wa. me/2(View phone number)
Company headquarters: Alexandria, Smouha, 14th of May Road, Pharmacists Towers, Tower 5, 2nd floor