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Apartment for sale, immediate delivery, 5% down payment and installments over 10 years, 45% discount in Bosco, the New Administrative Capital 0
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EGP 6,107,100

Apartment for sale, immediate delivery, 5% down payment and installments over 10 years, 45% discount in Bosco, the New Administrative Capital

IL Bosco, New Capital City
6 hours ago
Area (m²)144
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
BalconyBuilt in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenCentral A/C & heatingSecurityCovered ParkingMaids RoomPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Apartment for sale in El Bosco, New Administrative Capital Compounds Receive your two-room apartment immediately at a lower price than the company in the best location in Ali View Villas Compound and a special price for El Bosco Compound El Bosco Compound in the New Administrative Capital Area 144 m consisting of 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms El Bosco Project Location El Bosco is located in the New Administrative Capital on Mohammed bin Zayed Street in the Investors Area, directly on the Green River, near the Presidential Palace, Al Masa Hotel and the Conference Center, and is about 7 minutes away from the R7 residential neighborhood. El Bosco Compound Specifications El Bosco is characterized by a unique architectural style and a very precise design, as elements of nature were introduced; From water and greenery to the project plan; This results in natural landscapes mixed with modern architecture that are very beautiful. The following is a selection of the most important specifications of El Bosco Compound, New Administrative Capital: Bosco New Administrative Capital was built on an area estimated at 200 acres. The residential units were built on only 22.5% of the total area of ​​the Bosco project, which means that the largest area in the project is allocated to green spaces and artificial lakes. Privacy was taken into account through the design of the units, which was characterized by the presence of spaces separating one unit from another; ensuring the comfort and well-being of the residents
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