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Apartment for sale in Central Park view, 5% discount, and a distinctive area within a full-service compound in the heart of the Administrative Capital 0
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EGP 7,391,426

Apartment for sale in Central Park view, 5% discount, and a distinctive area within a full-service compound in the heart of the Administrative Capital

Lumia Residence, New Capital City
9 hours ago
Area (m²)208
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery TermSemi Finished
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingMaids RoomPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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One of the latest projects of the Dubai Real Estate Development Company is the Lumia Residence Compound in the Administrative Capital, which is located in the R7 district, plot F1, with a total area of ​​36 acres. The Lumia Compound offers Sakina apartments with areas starting from 125 square meters, while prices start from 5,698,000 Egyptian pounds, and reservations are made with a deposit of 10. % and the rest in installments over 8 years. The Mall Obsidier Tower New Capital is considered one of the projects of the Dubai Company in the Administrative Capital, as the mall is located in the most distinguished places in the Downtown area, specifically in the Tourist Towers area. The Mall Obsidier Tower offers commercial and administrative units, and has international and sophisticated designs. The project extends over an area of ​​13,500 square metres, while the building area is 6,000 square metres. Mall Obsidier Tower consists of a ground floor and 25 upper floors. The company was keen to provide the units offered for sale in the mall with sizes
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