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Apartment for sale in New Cairo, finished, distinctive location, in front of Al-Rehab 0
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EGP 7,000,000

Apartment for sale in New Cairo, finished, distinctive location, in front of Al-Rehab

Nile Boulevard Compound, New Cairo
10 hours ago
Area (m²)130
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusOff-plan
Location: Nile Boulevard (New Cairo) ---------------------------------------- Unit type: Apartment Unit area: 125 square meters ------------ Price details: -------------- Total price: 7,126,918 10% down payment: 712,691 over 7 years ------------ Project features: ------------------ All services and facilities are available in the Nile Boulevard Compound in an integrated and comprehensive manner, as customers and residents will not have to leave the compound to fulfill any of their needs, and this is the most important feature that customers are looking for in the residential unit they want to obtain, and the following are the most important services and facilities available in Compound: Various sports fields, which provide fields for many different sports, including football, basketball, tennis, and other games. Spacious garages that accommodate the largest possible number of cars to prevent congestion and noise in the Nile Boulevard Compound. Gyms providing all services for the gym, spa, sauna, jacuzzi, etc. Swimming pools vary in size and design, including some designated for women and covered ones. Surveillance cameras that operate around the clock and monitor all movements that take place inside Nile Boulevard. A huge commercial area that provides all the stores that customers look for when shopping. Restaurants and cafes are available at the highest level of luxury, as the Fudge Cards area provides all the restaurants and cafes of international brands. Security and protection teams trained on the latest security devices and methods inside the Nile Boulevard Compound, New Cairo.
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