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Apartment for sale in the heart of R7, one year delivery, with a monthly installment of 10,000 pounds, in the Compound The City, the Administrative Ca 0
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EGP 2,530,000

Apartment for sale in the heart of R7, one year delivery, with a monthly installment of 10,000 pounds, in the Compound The City, the Administrative Ca

The City, New Capital City
17 hours ago
Area (m²)157
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusReady
Delivery Date11
BalconyPrivate GardenCentral A/C & heatingSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandlineElevator
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For those looking for old prices and the best real investment opportunity, now you have an apartment for sale in The City Compound at a price of 2018 in the Administrative Capital Apartment for sale with an area of ​​​​158 meters, a bargain with a monthly installment of 10,000 pounds, delivery within a year And with the lowest loading rate in the Administrative Capital, not exceeding 10% only Own your apartment now with an area of ​​​​158 meters on the largest square within the project with a sea front Consisting of 3 rooms + 3 bathrooms Paid from the price of the apartment 850 thousand and the rest of the installments with the company with a monthly installment of 10,000 pounds only The view of the lagoon and landscape The apartment is built on the ground and you can inspect it The apartment is currently at the lowest price per meter in the new capital For more details: (View phone number) - (View phone number) Or visit the company's social media sites youraddress on WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram Resale and Prime are available in all projects in the Administrative Capital https://t. me/+dTeo7wO0a5RkNDdk ------------ https://www. facebook. com/groups/241789118465398 -------------- https://chat. whatsapp. com/HpUoBuVTwpjKBPdJgIW0fF
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