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Apartment for sale with garden in Taj City in front of Cairo Airport with a 50% discount offer until the end of December. Catch the opportunity before 0
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EGP 7,350,000

Apartment for sale with garden in Taj City in front of Cairo Airport with a 50% discount offer until the end of December. Catch the opportunity before

Taj City Compound, New Cairo
3 hours ago
Area (m²)137
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Apartment for sale with private garden  50% discount until the end of December Inside Taj City Compound in front of Cairo Airport  The apartment area is 137 meters, the garden area is 129 meters  Divided into 3 rooms + 2 bathrooms + two-piece reception + kitchen  For reservations and inquiries, call: (View phone number) WhatsApp on the same number (Immediate receipt available and ready for inspection) -Payment and payment methods: 10% contract deposit required  The remainder is paid in equal installments over 8 years without interest Project location: Al-Thawra Street  In front of JW Marriot Hotel  In front of Cairo International Airport Directly on the Suez Road Origami is the latest exclusive residential community in Taj City built on an area of ​​18% construction and 82% green spaces. Services: Natural views and wide green spaces Commercial area Entertainment area Shopping malls Gym, spa and health resorts International medical center Clubhouse Downtown area Business district and administrative offices sports club For reservations and inquiries, call: (View phone number) WhatsApp on the same number
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Ad id 501348574
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