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apartment rent at new cairo south lotus  | finished&furnished | prime location 0
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EGP 30,000

apartment rent at new cairo south lotus | finished&furnished | prime location

New Cairo, Cairo
2 weeks ago
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)169
Apartment for rent in South Lotus new cairo 169 metres  3 rooms  Fully furnished  30,000/month required _________________________________ _________________________________ About us :  Conline is a truly market-leading property advisory business. We create value for funds, investors, developers and property companies. giving end-to-end advice backed up by solid research. You'll find we're agile, dynamic and innovative. Above all, as our track record proves, we get real results we understand the need to be agile and creative to ensure we provide clients with the best advice possible. The evolution of our brand reflects this, presenting ourselves differently, whilst remaining true to our core values, and the sky is still our limit.   Contact us now for more information (View phone number)(View phone number)  Conline | Could touch sky
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