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Apartment without interest - with a small down payment from Madinet Misr Housing and Development Company 0
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EGP 3,000,000

Apartment without interest - with a small down payment from Madinet Misr Housing and Development Company

Sarai, Mostakbal City
3 hours ago
Area (m²)130
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusOff-plan
BalconyBuilt in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingMaids RoomPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Sarai New Cairo Compound is close to Mostakbal City, New Cairo, developed by Nasr City for Housing and Development Company A distinguished place 15 minutes from the Ring Road - 15 minutes from the American University - 5 minutes from the New Administrative Capital - 10 minutes from the Ismailia Desert Road and an open view of Central Park, lakes, vast green spaces and the beach lagoon With a unique design as it was designed by (Benoy), the designer of the City Walk Dubai project This place 'Sarai New Cairo' is a dream for everyone as a quiet residence away from the hustle and bustle of the city in Cairo and close to services as the project includes hotels, an equestrian center, restaurants and various cafes centered on the beach in addition to benefiting from all government services in the administrative capital and international universities that will be unparalleled in this area and hospitals and recreational life in the Fifth Settlement and coastal life in Ain Sokhna Contact us if you are interested to get the offer before or leave your number in a message and we will contact you
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