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EGP 10,000

Apple AirPods 4 With Active Noise Cancellation

5th Settlement, New Cairo
14 hours ago
Price TypeNegotiable
Get to know the Apple AirPods 4 AirPods Overview Sound H2″ Driver Battery 20 hours (charging case) 4 hours (Earbuds) Connectivity Bluetooth 5.3 Sound The powerful H2 chip comes to AirPods 4, making audio and calls better than ever. With a suite of intelligent features, AirPods 4 adapt to almost any listening environment — even when you want complete silence. Battery Power for hours with a smaller, more capable case. The streamlined charging case is 10 percent smaller than the previous generation, without sacrificing charging times. AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation feature a wireless charging case — the smallest in the industry with this capability — plus a built-in Find My speaker to help you keep track of them. Connectivity Instant connection. AirPods 4 are instantly paired with every device connected to your Apple account. Simply hold AirPods near your iPhone or iPad and tap Connect.
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