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EGP 6,500

Apple capsule 2tb

Banha, Qalyubia
10 hours ago
Price TypeNegotiable
TypeRouter / Switch
2TB for Time Machine Backup Simultaneous Dual-Band 802.11ac Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi Compatible WPA/WPA2 Encryption, NAT Firewall 1 x USB 2.0 Port 3 x Gigabit Ethernet LAN Ports 1 x Gigabit Ethernet WAN Port Built-In Power Supply The fifth generation 2TB AirPort Time Capsule from Apple features simultaneous dual-band 802.11ac Wi-Fi support. That means it transmits at both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies at the same time. So no matter which band your wireless devices use, they'll automat ically connect to the best available band for the fastest possible performance. With the AirPort Time Capsule, you get a superfast Wi‑Fi base station and an easy-to-use backup device all in one. It works with Time Machine in Mac OS X to back up your Mac automatically and wirelessly. Music, photos, videos, documents and even your apps and OS X settings are saved. The AirPort Time Capsule stores it all with its 2TB of storage space. With three-stream 802.11ac technology, the Airport Time Capsule can reach data rates of up to 1.3Gbps, which is triple the 802.11n standard. 802.11ac Wi-Fi also provides double the channel bandwidth with 80MHz-wide channels providing more room for data to flow faster. If you're using an 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi device, Airport Time Capsule can still optimize the connection for those Wi-Fi standards as well. Apple has redesigned the Airport Time Capsule to be taller with antennas located at the top of the device. Apple also increased the number of antennas to six, three for 2.4GHz and three for 5GHz. The vertical redesign of the AirPort Time Capsule also contributes to a smaller footprint and more desk space. With AirPort Time Capsule, getting your new Wi‑Fi network up and running is quick and easy. That's because a setup assistant is built into iOS and into AirPort Utility for OS X. As soon as you plug in your AirPort Time Capsule and connect it to your DSL or cable modem, you can follow the simple instructions on your Mac or iOS device. There are no complicated steps to follow and no obscure terminology to learn. The setup assistant does all the work, so you don't have to
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