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Apple iMac 24” M1 8C CPU 8C GPU / 8GB / 256GB  - Warranty Apple 0
EGP 52,000

Apple iMac 24” M1 8C CPU 8C GPU / 8GB / 256GB - Warranty Apple

Dokki, Giza
2 years ago
24-inch 4.5K Retina display M1 chip with 8-core CPU and 8-core or 8-core GPU 1080p FaceTime HD camera with M1 image signal processor for amazing video quality Studio-quality three-microphone array for crystal-clear calls and voice recordings Six-speaker sound system for a remarkably robust and high-quality audio experience Up to 256GB of ultrafast SSD storage Two Thunderbolt / USB 4 ports and up to two USB 3 ports Fast Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0 wireless connectivity Color- Magic Mouse with Magic Keyboard with Touch ID2 Available in blue, ,, silver, Warranty Apple ------------- ASUSTOR NAS Storage Best Cloud Storage for Mac Your Mac + ASUSTOR NAS = A Seamless Final Cut Pro Experience Apple officially supports using a NAS as a Final Cut Pro storage space. Big Enough for your Final Cut Pro Library Use shared storage with Final Cut Pro With Final Cut Pro 10.4 or later, you can store libraries on shared storage systems that use the NFS or SMB file system protocol, as well as other shared storage volumes. Your ASUSTOR Brings Virtually Unlimited Potential to Final Cut Pro Enabling Efficient Workflows with 2.5-Gigabit Ethernet and Faster Where to store Final Cut Pro libraries and external media Before storing libraries and assets for Final Cut Pro, verify that all systems accessing libraries and external media meet Final Cut Pro 10.4. x system requirements. Store Final Cut Pro libraries on local storage volumes, a SAN like an Xsan storage volume*, on NFS or SMB file system volumes, and on shared storage systems that use the NFS or SMB protocol. If you’re using a shared storage system that uses the SMB protocol, the SMB volume must originate from a macOS server or a Linux server running Samba 4.3. 4 or later configured with modules for Apple compatibility. Store external media on any shared storage volume. * Xsan server and client systems must be running the same macOS version. How to configure a Linux Network Attached Storage (NAS) system for Final Cut Pro A Linux Network Attached Storage (NAS) SMB volume must originate from a Linux server running Samba 4.3. 4 or later configured with modules for Apple compatibility.
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