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ِAPT. 115m 2 BR for sale in Taj City compound ready to move. . . . Funished super lux 0
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EGP 5,500,000

ِAPT. 115m 2 BR for sale in Taj City compound ready to move. . . . Funished super lux

Taj City Compound, New Cairo
5 hours ago
Area (m²)115
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Delivery TermFinished
Electricity MeterWater MeterNatural Gas
Apt. @ Taj City in Zone T FINISHED super lux facing north space: 115 M 2 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom . . . Taj City Project by Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development Location :  Cairo - Suez Rd. : Located on the extension of El Thawra St. , in front of Cairo International Airport. Taj City is bringing back the old Cairo that everyone loved with its sophistication and the sense of being in the heart of the city. It will enable its residents to live just the way they like whilst being connected to their roots and have the accessibility and the quality of living that they look for. Spread over 3.5 million sqm, this self-sufficient community is designed for those in search of an elevated lifestyle and a unique community experience offering the most luxurious residential units, commercial areas, retail stores, medical facilities and international academic offerings.
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