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At a special price  a resale apartment for sale in North Lotus 225 m 0
EGP 5,700,000

At a special price a resale apartment for sale in North Lotus 225 m

El Lotus, New Cairo
1 month ago
Area (m²)225
Payment OptionCash
Delivery TermSemi Finished
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityPets AllowedElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural Gas
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At a special price, a resale apartment for sale in North Lotus New Cairo Area 225 meters Divided into: Three bedrooms + Three bathrooms Kitchen Reception Semi-finished Fourth floor There is gas, water and electricity meters Immediate receipt Price: 5,700,000 ____________________________________ Lotus neighborhood has the largest percentage of commercial and entertainment projects. Lotus neighborhood is located on the most important axes in the Fifth Settlement, the northern and southern 90th Street, the clubs street and Bin Zayed Axis. Overlooking the American University and the monorail station. Lotus Flower neighborhood is located in the Golden Square area, which is the largest residential complex in the compound and next to a recreational area, clubs and commercial service areas. Lotus is considered one of the most upscale neighborhoods in the Fifth Settlement. Lotus is located on the northern 90th and southern 90th axis and Gamal Abdel Nasser Axis, which connects the compound to Nasr City and downtown Cairo, with an open view of Wadi Degla Club, Platinum Sports Club, Maadi Club and Royal Club. There are also some famous compounds near it such as (Mountain View, Grove, Mountain Park and Aston (Eastown. Lotus neighborhood contains most of the basic and entertainment services, which can be divided as follows: Medical services Cleopatra Modern Hospital in New Cairo. Dar Al-Arqam Hospital. In addition, it includes private clinics specialized in various fields such as pediatrics, gynecology, ophthalmology, dentistry and other specialties. Educational services Technological University. Nurseries. Garhi Mohamed School. In addition to the proximity of Lotus neighborhood to the American University in New Cairo and Future University. Other services It includes a long list of services of commercial markets, entertainment areas and sports clubs, which can be mentioned as follows: Gardens, parks and green spaces. Paths designated for jogging, walking and cycling. Wadi Degla Club in New Lotus. A private school for teaching horse riding and equestrianism. Central and public parks suitable for family gatherings.
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