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Bank for Sale in Maspero Triangle Towers - Read To Move 0
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EGP 59,500,000

Bank for Sale in Maspero Triangle Towers - Read To Move

Maspero Business Towers, Downtown Cairo
19 hours ago
Area (m²)270
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Covered ParkingSecurity
Bank For Sale in Maspero Triangle Towers, Downtown, Cairo with a privilege Location in the Project's main Facade with an Area of: 270 Sqm Semi- Finished ----------------------------------------------------- About Maspero Triangle:The Maspero Triangle has long been a proud symbol of history and legacy in Cairo. Some of its areas were established in the 1400s and the rest were built in the 1800s, making it a unique center point for downtown cultural and political heritage. Today, Maspero Triangle is set to become one of Downtown Cairo’s business, commercial, residential and investment hubs. With a total land plot area of 77 feddans and a spectacular Nile frontage, it is easily accessible through arterial roads and bridges such as the 26th of July Corridor and Nile Corniche. Its premium location in the center not only presents rising opportunities for mixed-use developments but also bridges the gap between new developments and structured projects within Downtown Cairo. As a 21st century symbol of modernization, the Maspero Triangle is set to transform the destination from its original setting of Egypt’s ‘Golden Age’ to ‘Egypt’s Modern Downtown Experience’.
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