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EGP 60,000

Blackmagic UltraStudio 4K

Zamalek, Cairo
4 weeks ago
TypeOther Item
The new UltraStudio 4K Mini model is a portable Thunderbolt 3 capture and playback solution packed with the latest broadcast technology, including 12G‑SDI, HDMI 2.0 and analog connections. You get broadcast quality 8 and 10‑bit high dynamic range capture in all formats up to 4K DCI at 60p, and 12‑bit high dynamic range capture in all formats up to 4K DCI at 30p. The front panel features push button controls, an LCD for monitoring signal and setup, an XLR microphone input and a ¼" headphone jack. UltraStudio 4K Mini features USB for connecting a keyboard and mouse, plus it will trickle charge your laptop computer when connected to the Thunderbolt 3 port. There’s even a built in SD card reader allowing instant access to your camera media cards!
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