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EGP 850

Blucoil Pop Filter بوب فيلتر

Sheikh Zayed, Giza
3 weeks ago
سعره ١٥ دولار في أمريكا Specifications: 6.10” diameter 2 layered mesh Gooseneck length - 14.5” The Blucoil Audio Pop filters are designed to lessen the energy of plosives (the sounds made when someone says air-releasing consonants like t, k, p, d, g and b). Without this lessening effect, the sounds might exceed the input capacity of the microphone, leading to clipping. With a two-layer screen that blocks plosive sounds, the Blucoil Audio Pop Filter gives its users double protection. The first screen blocks air blasts as any pop filter normally would. The gap in between then disperses any remaining air pressure, so by the time it passes the second screen, the blast is easily contained.
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