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EGP 56,949

Breville Barista Pro - SEALED - بريفل باريستا برو

Maadi, Cairo
3 days ago
Breville Barista pro coffee machine Condition: SEALED (new) Color: Brushed Stainless steel. Bean to cup machine equipped with Grinder ----- Key features: * 3 seconds heat up time thanks to the thermojet heating system * Auto grind & dose with an integrated conical burr grinder with 30 grind settings * Low pressure pre-infusion followed by 9 bar extraction * Manual hand-crated microfoam steam wand for delicious, smooth, silky texture foam * Intuitive interface with volumetric shot control. _____ It comes with its Tamper, Razer, 0.5 kg Portafilter, 4 Baskets, Pitcher, Dosing Funnel, and Cleaning Accessories. _____ Kindly, note that the machine's price on Amazon Egypt is about 65K EGP
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