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Cafe and restaurant for rent, corner, open view, panorama, East Hub Madinaty 0
EGP 130,000

Cafe and restaurant for rent, corner, open view, panorama, East Hub Madinaty

Madinaty, Cairo
11 months ago
TypeRestaurant & Cafe
Area (m²)210
Price TypeNegotiable
Covered ParkingSecurity
Cafe and restaurant for rent, corner, open view, panorama, East Hub Madinaty Cafe specifications A very privileged location with two facades on the ground floor A unique open view on the tourist walkway With an excellent outdoor space and a wonderful view Next to the banking complex and the most modern and powerful medical center in my city  Required: 130,000 pounds per month Interior area: 67 sqm. External area starts from 33 sqm to 200 sqm Mall Description: East Hub Mega Mall is the largest, most modern, and most organized commercial area in my city It consists of 18 buildings (a commercial market - an integrated medical building - a banking complex building - an administrative building - and a commercial mall for shopping and walking). It includes the largest international brands and brands, and an area of ​​branded restaurants and cafes -Tie house - Brisk - etisalat - Adidas Oriental Weavers - and many international and Egyptian brands All of this is under the management of Talaat Mustafa’s project management agency in my city For inquiries, inspection and knowledge of available opportunities Dark Company for Investment and Real Estate Marketing East Hub, Block 16, Office S11, second floor Specialized in commercial units Rami wahba 01111861333 01557503334 Supports WhatsApp
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