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Car service center, car maintenance, car rental in Madinaty, Craft Zone, car wash, corner. 0
See 15 photos
EGP 60,000

Car service center, car maintenance, car rental in Madinaty, Craft Zone, car wash, corner.

Madinaty, Cairo
3 days ago
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)80
Air ConditioningCovered Parking
ChatGPT said:ChatGPT You can now expand your branches and open a new location with high purchasing power in Madinaty, a city with over 1.5 million residents and a continuously growing population. Located amidst the biggest brands in the restaurant, cafes, and diverse car services sectors, the area is very active, with new brands opening daily. Shop Features:
  • A car service center, maintenance, and car wash for sale.
  • A 110 sqm shop in a prime location in Craft Zone, next to Mega Mall East Hub.
  • The shop is a corner unit with very high traffic.
  • Licensed for car services, with two floors: the ground floor for car maintenance and services.
  • The first floor can be used as an office, warehouse, or accessories showroom.
  • A unique shop for rent in Craft Zone, Block 1.
  • The shop is fully finished and ready for immediate operation.
  • A rare opportunity in a high-traffic block.
  • Monthly rent: 60,000 EGP, a very attractive price.
For inquiries, inspections, and to learn about available opportunities, contact: Dark Real Estate Investment and Marketing Company East Hub, Block 16, Office S11, Second Floor Ahmed Nasr Phone:
(View phone number) 4o
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