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EGP 1,950

Casio Men's Edifice original ساعه

Jayd Compound, New Cairo
14 hours ago
Price TypeNegotiable
Casio aims to provide the important things you keep close in life. Continuing to create the things that are most important to users. G-Shock is a watch brand that represents our company. It has won support from users not only for its performance, including shock resistance but also for the worldview of the brand. It complements the lifestyles of diverse users and continues to be a beloved product that people cannot do without. Enjoying their shared deep appreciation of G-Shock, users can communicate with friends who enjoy similar fashion, music or sports, while also sparking new cultural phenomena. Casio scientific calculators represent our second major business area after watches, and they are being actively utilized in classrooms worldwide. Thanks to our cooperation with teachers and ministries of education in many countries, our scientific calculators are being used as an indispensable tool for learning mathematics. We are continuing to develop this business in order to meet users’ needs as they change over time. This includes not only providing calculator specifications that meet the curriculums and conventions in different countries but also developing an electronic education business in the testing and textbook market, which is now transitioning from paper to electronic formats. Casio products are a familiar and important part of people's lives, and this includes everything we haven’t created yet. The potential for new products is unlimited. We believe that creating this kind of new product is part of our social mission.
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