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Chalet 151m immediate delivery 30% discount in Ain Sokhna Baymount Resort 0
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EGP 6,300,000

Chalet 151m immediate delivery 30% discount in Ain Sokhna Baymount Resort

Ain Sukhna, Suez
3 hours ago
Area (m²)151
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery TermFinished
BalconyBuilt in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenCentral A/C & heatingSecuritySea ViewGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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Chalet 151m in Ain Sokhna Baymount Resort Consisting of: Living room - terrace - master room - master bathroom - room - bathroom - kitchen 8-year installments without interest For inquiries or contact: (View phone number) Or click on the WhatsApp icon for easy communication Baymount El Sokhna Project Services Maven Real Estate Company, the developer of the project, has made sure to do its utmost to provide all services, whether basic or recreational, within the village to provide comfort, enjoyment and more luxury for residents, as it has provided the following services: Club Carts are available within the village, allowing movement within the village by using a specific program that operates at a number of different stations. A mountain elevator is also available, which is used from many stations within the project. A hotel is available that provides five-star services to customers, overlooking the sea directly to enjoy the charming panoramic view. Mountain Cabins are also available. There is also a Mountain Hub within the village. Inside Bay Want Ain Sokhna Village, there is a recreational area full of games for children. There are places designated for practicing sports and various activities, in addition to the possibility of practicing yoga exercises while enjoying the fresh air. There is a water games area that contains a number of fun games that suit everyone. There is an area that includes a large number of world-famous cafes and restaurants, which offer the best delicious meals and drinks.
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