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Chalet for sale, 128 sqm, for sale in Marassi, excellent location 0
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EGP 27,490,000

Chalet for sale, 128 sqm, for sale in Marassi, excellent location

Marassi, North Coast
13 hours ago
Area (m²)128
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
Private GardenGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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Chalet for sale, 128 sqm, for sale in Marassi, excellent location  *Ready to move  *Full finishing  *A very special location at kilometer 125 on Alexandria Road *The village has full services (kids area, green spaces, swimming pools) Bua: 128 m -2 bedrooms -2 bathrooms Down payment: 4,990,000 Total price: 27,490,000 To contact: (View phone number) The huge village of Marassi Sidi Abdulrahman is characterized by being a distinctive destination for many people from all over the world because it provides them with all the fun and luxury they are looking for, as well as a charming nature that steals them from the pressures of daily life and routine once they enter To her. In addition to all the features of the construction, Marassi Sidi Abdul Rahman has natural features given by God to this fascinating location, starting from the blue sea beach with its brilliant sand that represents a painting alone, in addition to the wonderful weather that makes it a suitable place in the different seasons of the year, where the mild atmosphere in winter, and the pleasant warmth with the refreshing breeze in the summer
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