Cascada business complex
The closest receipt
The lowest percentage of receipt
The closest operation
A commercial store in the heart of the main facade directly on the eastern axis and the gold market and steps from the main monorail station
Area 36 meters
Third floor - food court
Price before discount / 10600000
Price after discount 9.540. 000
Payment plan
10% down payment and installments over 8 years Annual installments with a 10% discount on the total unit price
10% down payment: / 954000
Quarterly installment: 268312
Total paid until receipt: 2027250
Meaning that it is actually the lowest percentage of receipt and It is approximately 22%
Project details
A distinguished location in front of the Masr Mosque and the Gold Market, the second piece of the tourist towers directly on the eastern axis
General Consultant Arkan Design
FRS Engineering and Executive Consultant
Management and Operation of MRB Company
Receipt in one year
Project details
A distinguished location in front of the Masr Mosque and the Gold Market, the second piece of the tourist towers directly on the eastern axis
(Authorization to rent from 15% to 22% of the total price of the unit for 10 years with a final contract with the management company (MRB) after contracting on the unit, work on it begins from the management company, meaning I guarantee your rent from the first day of operation) Average 18% about 1 million and 717 thousand
Mohamed El-Sayed / (View phone number) Golden Town