Commercial shop code G-02
Built for inspection, two-year contract receipt
Area 92 meters
Total price = 38,736,842
10% down payment = 3,873,684
Quarterly installment for 5 years paid = 1,743,157
Maintenance 10% after a year and a half
Garage is mandatory for 200,000 after a year
City Hall El Tagamoa in the Northern Investors Area El Tagamoa
Next to Garden 8, Waterway and El Jazzy Marriott
It is a commercial mall, administrative only, consisting of 16 thousand meters
320-meter facade
It is G+2
Multi-activity shops, restaurants, hypermarket, pharmacy, banks, ground floor shops, first and second floors are administrative only
6 separate buildings
Built 80%
Received in a year and a half With a receipt rate of 55%
Mohamed El-Sayed / (View phone number)