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desktop cnc router 0
EGP 18,000

desktop cnc router

Maadi, Cairo
11 months ago
Price TypeNegotiable
TypeOther Industrial Equipments
Payment OptionCash
Desktop cnc router Frame - Metal: steel and aluminium profile - Coating: red and black - Rail system: copper nuts, linear motion bearing 16mm, Router - Spindle 500w + power supply 40volt Control box - Stepper motor : 3 axis - Stepper driver : 3 drivers TB6600 - Breakout board: match 3 board - Power supply: 12Vdc 30Amp - Cabels: all cables are shielded to reduce noise Accessories - Probes for auto leveling - 3D printed Mountained torch - 3D printed limit switches - Easy Connectors between machine and control box مساحه الشغلانه ٣٠سم في ٢٠سم تصلح مشروع تخرج او العمل ع بورد ال pcb او شغل الاكريليك والمعادن الخفيفه للمعاينه المعادي الجديده
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