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Direct to the southern ninety, own a 50 m commercial store in IV Business Park Mall in the Fifth Settlement 0
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EGP 5,000,000

Direct to the southern ninety, own a 50 m commercial store in IV Business Park Mall in the Fifth Settlement

5th Settlement, New Cairo
3 hours ago
Area (m²)50
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
For sale a commercial shop in the heart of the Fifth Settlement in a distinguished area with the highest population density A few minutes away from the most important axis in the compound Direct on Mustafa Baghdadi Square And minutes from the 90th South A (RETAIL) shop with an area of ​​​​50 m IV Business park mall With a down payment starting from 10% And the rest in comfortable installments without interest Or 5 million down payment And the rest in equal installments without interest There are administrative and medical units finished with air conditioners Serves the largest residential density in the Fifth Settlement The largest mall area is 20,500 The largest plaza with an area of ​​​​7000 m and 2500 m For more details about IV Business park mall in the Fifth Settlement Call me by phone or WhatsApp on (View phone number)
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Ad id 501259651
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