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EGP 29,000

Electric Scooter 2000 watts سكوتر كهربائي ٢٠٠٠ وات

Mohandessin, Giza
4 hours ago
ينصح بإرتداء خوذة ومعدات حماية للركبة والكوع اثناء القيادة بسرعة عالية Upgrade your ride with this powerful and stylish electric scooter! Packed with features and built for performance, this scooter is perfect for city commutes or off-road adventures. Max Speed: 40-50 km/h Max Load: 120 kg Range Per Charge: 25-40 km Charging Time: 6-7 hours Motor Power: 2000W Battery: 48V/13AH Foldable Design: Yes, easy to store and carry Shock Absorption: Front & Rear for a smooth ride Brake System: Disc Brakes (Front & Rear) Max Climbing Ability: 40° incline Tires: 10.25-inch Off-Road Tires (Front & Rear) LED Display: Speed, Gear, and Power indicator Structure: Durable Aluminium Alloy Weight: Product: 30 kg | Package: 23 kg Additional Features: Comfortable seat Remote key: Lock/Unlock/Start/Off Ignition key with LED light operator Multiple lights: Angle light, board light, single light, brake light USB port for charging your devices Horn for safety Available Colors: Red & Black Mix or Full Black Price: [Add your price here] Contact: Email: Osama. [redacted email address] WhatsApp: (View phone number) Don’t miss out on this high-performance electric scooter! Perfect for daily use or weekend adventures.
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