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For sale, a separate apartment or a full floor of two apartments in the most prestigious place in Obour City. The apartment area is 285 square meters 0
EGP 4,500,000

For sale, a separate apartment or a full floor of two apartments in the most prestigious place in Obour City. The apartment area is 285 square meters

Obour City, Cairo
3 months ago
Area (m²)285
Payment OptionCash
For sale a separate apartment or a full floor of two apartments in the most prestigious location in Obour City The apartment area is 285 square meters Ninth District (Obour City) The building is registered in the Real Estate Registry On the corner of the intersection of Rosa Al-Youssef Street and Sayed Darwish Street Upper second or third floor apartment, (both available), area of ​​282 square meters per apartment, Western Bahri 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms, a large reception area, 3 pieces, semi-finished, super deluxe, two apartments on the first floor Sale directly from the owner and immediate registration. External gas connection, Separate electricity meter, Possibility of installing a separate water meter, The building's stairs are entirely made of luxurious imported granite Entrances are entirely made of luxurious granite, surveillance cameras Intercom, fire extinguishing system on all floors, Overlooking Al-Ridwan Mosque, a minute from Al-Thaqafa Street And Abbas Al-Akkad Street, the two main streets in the Ninth District Price is final Cash: 4,500,000 per apartment
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