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For sale, a townhouse villa with a 5% down payment and 8-year installments, West End, on Dahshur Street, Sheikh Zayed 0
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EGP 12,000,000

For sale, a townhouse villa with a 5% down payment and 8-year installments, West End, on Dahshur Street, Sheikh Zayed

Sheikh Zayed, Giza
2 hours ago
TypeStand Alone Villa
Area (m²)240
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusReady
Private GardenSecurityPets AllowedLandline
West End Company A very special location on Dahshur Link, Sur in Sur with Levels V, Dunos Company The compound is villas only Villa area: 240 square meters (4 bedrooms, including a master bedroom with a dressing room and a private bathroom + a living room + a nanny's room with a private bathroom + a reception + 2 terraces) Private garden 80 meters Price: 12,000,000 EGP Payment system: Various payment systems are available, starting from 5% and installments up to 7 years without any interest For reservations or inquiries, mobile or WhatsApp: (View phone number) .
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