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Fully furnished ready to move in apartment + appliances & Ac’s in a prime location + open view 90m for sale in Hyde Park New Cairo 0
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EGP 5,700,000

Fully furnished ready to move in apartment + appliances & Ac’s in a prime location + open view 90m for sale in Hyde Park New Cairo

Hyde Park New Cairo Compound, New Cairo
1 day ago
Area (m²)90
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
BalconySecurityElectricity Meter
Apartment 1 bedroom fully furnished at hyde park new cairo  Area : 90m2  Fully furnished + appliances & Ac’s 1 bedroom , 1 bathroom , open kitchen , reception Prime location open view  Ready to move  Price: 5,700,000 Including maintenance =--------------------=--------------------=---------------------= Spread over 6 million square meters, Hyde Park New Cairo is nestled amidst the breath taking seemingly innate greenery of the 6 hundred thousand square meters’ park. Everything within Hyde Park New Cairo gated community is distinctive and limitless, from the world-class architectural designs that reflect its homeowners’ buoyant characters, to the plush 600,000 square meters of lakes and foliage that represent the largest park in Egypt.   It is a reflection of green living that creates an air of natural serenity throughout the development. Hyde Park boasts various types of homes in different sizes, designs and layouts. From apartments and duplexes, to townhouses, family houses, standalone villas, and twin houses. Among the various amenities available are a hospital, schools, business district, and club houses. Hyde Park New Cairo offers an integrated central management system that includes maintenance services, landscaping, sanitary services, security and additional 24-hour private services for homeowners.
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