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Garmin GPS 72 Handheld GPS Navigator 0
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EGP 3,500

Garmin GPS 72 Handheld GPS Navigator

Heliopolis, Cairo
18 hours ago
Garmin GPS 72 Handheld GPS Navigator The mariner-friendly GPS 72 is WAAS-enabled for accuracy to within 9.84 ft (3 m) and features a large screen and easy-to-use buttons. Use on Land or Water Don't worry about losing this GPS device in the drink. The GPS 72 floats in water, and its IPX7 water resistant to withstand the accidental dunk or splash in the lake. Whether on water or land, the GPS 72 can save up to 500 of your favorite places in memory and point you to your destination (no street or terrain maps). If you're into boating, hunting or fishing, you can use the 72's built-in celestial data, which includes tide information, sunrise/sunset times and a hunting and fishing calendar.
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