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Hyundai Tucson 2025 0
See 7 photos
EGP 1,890,000
EGP 650,000 Down Payment

Hyundai Tucson 2025

Nasr City, Cairo
5 hours ago
Fuel TypeBenzine
Transmission TypeAutomatic
Engine Capacity (CC)1600
Body TypeSUV
Power (hp)180
Consumption (l/100 km)7.5
Air ConditioningAutomatic air conditioning 2 zones
Number of seats5
Number of doors4/5
InteriorFull Leather
SourceCompany Source
Payment OptionsCash or Installment
Extra Features
Keyless EntryPower MirrorsPower SteeringPower WindowsSteering SwitchesKeyless StartPower SeatsTouch ScreenABSAirbagsFront CameraImmobilizer KeyRear View CameraAlarm/Anti-Theft SystemEBDParking SensorsESPIsofixAM/FM RadioCD PlayerCassette PlayerDVD PlayerFront SpeakersRear speakersUSB ChargerAux Audio InBluetooth SystemPremium Wheels/RimsCool BoxCruise ControlNavigation SystemPower LocksRear Seat EntertainmentSunroofFog LightsDaytime running lightsEquipped for disabledStart/Stop systemTyre pressure sensorXenon Headlights
See All
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