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If you are looking for a real estate investment, it is the best investment 0
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If you are looking for a real estate investment, it is the best investment

Hurghada, Red Sea
3 hours ago
Area (m²)40
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery Date2025
Delivery TermFinished
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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ALMAZA SUITES LOCATION: --- -     Wothara area (Before El Gouna).   AMENITIES OF THE LOCATION -     In Al Ahyiaa , Hurghada – a prime area ( balances tranquility with urban convenience . -     Natural beauty – like much of the Red Sea coastline, Imagine pristine shores crystal, Stunning natural beauty and lush landscape. -     It’s quitter, more tranquil spot compares to bustline Hurghada (escape to peaceful with ideal destination). -      It’s close to Hurghada City center and El Gouna (easy access to essential services, entertainment and beautiful sea beaches. -     20 minutes’ drive to the airport. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE BEACH 11 KM -     Offers water- based activities (snorkeling, diving and beach relaxation). -     Red Sea’s underwater world is (treasure trave for divers and marine enthusiasts). -     Gated town adds an extra layer of security and exclusivity. -     -------------------------------------------------------------------   ACTIVITIES BY THE AREA -     Close to private schools’ area (leader school – international school – French school – German school – Japanese school --- etc. ) -     Close to private Hospitals’ area (between two high roads). -     International Hospital of Hurghada (500000 SQM land). -     The new University of Red Sea (2000000 SQM land). -     Close to touristic walkway street. -     Touristic beach walkway (new walkway street by the beach for 11 km with all the activities). -     Private school for people with special needs -     International football club of Hurghada. -     The New Red Sea Security Directorate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ** Project description: - ALMAZA SUITES ·    The project covers a land area of ​​1500 square meters.   ·    Swimming pools - mini aqua park.   ·    Gym - Spa - 24-hour security - Surveillance cameras.   ·    Integrated hotel management - for managing residential units, including rent and resale.   ·    A company specializing in furnishing residential units at the lowest prices - receiving units with super-luxe finishing. --------------------------------------------------------------------- **Available spaces: -  ·    Hotel room with kitchen and bathroom (studio), 35- 40- 43 meters  ·     Room, living room, kitchen and bathroom (apartment) 54- 48- 61- 53- 47- 59- 45- 60- 72-44- 66 meters.   ·    Two rooms, living room, a kitchen and a bathroom (apartment) 69- 68- 76- 77 meters  --------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Payment systems: - ·    In the case of cash, a discount of 20 % of the unit value.   ·    50% down payment - 50% installments over one year with a discount of 10 % of the total unit price -     5% from the total amount as maintenance – it is renewing every 5 years.
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