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Individual villa for sale in Al-Rehab, 565 meters, in a great location, special finishes, and a swimming pool 0
See 7 photos
EGP 40,000,000

Individual villa for sale in Al-Rehab, 565 meters, in a great location, special finishes, and a swimming pool

Rehab City Compound, New Cairo
13 hours ago
TypeStand Alone Villa
Area (m²)565
Price TypeNegotiable
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Villa model V for sale in Al-Rehab Building area: 300 m2, land area: 565 m2 Swimming pool 9*4*1.5 (bathroom + dressing room + outdoor tub + outdoor shower). A large garden with 3 fruitful mango Owais trees + 2 fruitful lemon trees + 1 Omani mulberry tree + 2 palm trees. Automatic irrigation system + service rooms (3 service rooms + separate bathroom). Ground (entrance + guest bathroom + air-conditioned kitchen + air-conditioned office room + (dining / 2 salon / lounge open to some with air conditioning)). The first (master bedroom with air-conditioned bathroom + 2 air-conditioned bedrooms with shared bathroom + air-conditioned living hall) Roof (air-conditioned master bedroom with bathroom + laundry/storage room + countertop sink + surface + 2 water tanks with a capacity of 10 m3). The villa has natural gas. v model . The villa is located on two corners, in a prime location, with no violations and is negotiable with serious buyers. Selling the villa without furniture and air conditioning, except for the kitchen For more details and offers Tariq Khalil (View phone number)
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