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Insulin Pump - Medtronic 640G - NEW WITH TAGS. 0
EGP 80,000

Insulin Pump - Medtronic 640G - NEW WITH TAGS.

Katameya, Cairo
3 years ago
Price TypeNegotiable
SMARTGUARD™ TECHNOLOGY: ONE STEP CLOSER TO THE ARTIFICIAL PANCREAS Tired of experiencing unexpected lows? Worried about hypos? To avoid low glucose levels and maintain good glucose control, it is important to know where your glucose levels are and where they are heading. The MiniMed™ 640G insulin pump is designed to help protect you, so you can feel more secure. SmartGuard™, our exclusive technology, mimics some functions of a healthy pancreas to provide advanced protection against hypoglycaemia. 4* Based on your sensor glucose values, SmartGuard™ can predict when you are approaching low glucose levels 30 minutes in advance and automatically stop insulin delivery** When your glucose levels recover, SmartGuard™ will automatically resume insulin delivery***. You have the possibility to set multiple low limits throughout the day to give you increased protection when you need it most. مضخة الانسولين - ميدترونيك - جي ٦٤٠- امريكية الصنع - وارد الخليج (المملكة العربية السعودية) - جديدة - و معها العديد من مستلزماتها كما موضح بالصور مجانا. السعر في التوكيل ١٦٥ الف جنيه رجاء التواصل من الجادين فقط شكرا
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