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EGP 16,000

Laser Engraver S1 Portable Laser Cutter and Engraver 6 Watt

Shorouk City, Cairo
1 day ago
TypeOther Industrial Equipments
Payment OptionCash
Portable And Compact Design: The ACMER S1 Laser Engraver is the smallest portable laser engraving machine on the market, allowing users to bring it anywhere with ease. Its compact size makes it perfect for engraving on various materials such as wood, metal, acrylic, and leathe Versatile Engraving And Cutting Capabilities: With a powerful 2.5W/3.5W laser, the ACMER S1 can engrave over 100 different materials with precision and finesse. Not only does it excel in engraving delicate and intricate designs, but it also offers comprehensive cutting capabilities for various applications. Fine And Lifelike Engraving Quality: The ACMER S1 maintains an ultra-fine laser output, enabling users to create finely detailed and lifelike engravings on every work. Whether it's a small ornament or a ceramic piece, the S1 ensures high-quality results that truly stand out. Convenient User Experience: Unlike traditional laser engravers, the ACMER S1 comes pre-assembled and ready to use right out of the box with a computer. This eliminates the hassle of assembly and ensures a great user experience. Additionally, the S1 is equipped with limit switches on the X and Y axes to ensure safety and provide easy reset options. Maximized Space Utilization And Precise Positioning: Despite its mini size, the ACMER S1 offers a generous 130*130mm engraving area, maximizing the utilization of space. It allows users to process multiple small metal ornaments simultaneously and engrave small ceramics. Moreover, the laser scale integrated into the frame provides clear reference points along the X and Y axes, enabling precise positioning for complex and detailed projects.
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