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EGP 1,900

LEGO Technic - tractor لعبة ليجو، تركيب

San Stefano, Alexandria
4 hours ago
TypeDevelopment - Educational Toys
Designed in collaboration with John Deere, this tractor and trailer toy is packed with realistic features. It comes equipped with huge wheels, articulated steering and a driver's cab with a seat that turns. A building challenge plus roleplay fun Tractor-loving youngsters will enjoy the challenge of building their very own John Deere tractor. Then they can have funexploring all of the details packed into the model. The trailer tips, making it perfect for transporting heavy loads. Its wheels let it traverse all terrains, and it has a drawbar with an extra hinge that allows it to navigate hills and valleys with ease. A great introduction to engineering LEGO Technic buildable model sets feature realistic movement and mechanisms that introduce young LEGO builders to the universe of engineering in an approachable and realistic way.
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