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EGP 23,000

Linksys Wrt1900acs Ultra Smart Wi-Fi Router (Ac1900)

Heliopolis, Cairo
3 hours ago
TypeRouter / Switch
PERFORMANCE PERFECTED With an advanced 1.6 GHz dual-core CPU and an impressive 512MB of RAM, the WRT1900ACS delivers improvements in wired, wireless, and network storage performance over its predecessor, the WRT1900AC. At speeds up to N600 + AC1300 Mbps, the WRT1900ACS meets the needs of the most demanding home Wi-Fi networks. Equipped with a four-antenna configuration, the router provides exceptional signal strength and range. Advanced users also have the option of modifying the router with open source firmware. ADVANCED 1.6 GHZ DUAL-CORE PROCESSOR TO SURF, STREAM, & GAME SIMULTANEOUSLYWith a professional-grade 1.6 GHz dual-core ARM processor, the WRT1900ACS delivers faster throughput speeds and easily handles multiple data streams simultaneously. The result: better performance, particularly in today''s multi-device homes. 512MB OF RAM FOR IMPROVED DATA TRANSFER The WRT1900ACS comes equipped with 512MB of RAM that works in tandem with the 1.6GHz CPU to move movies, music, and other large files faster. With more than double the memory of its predecessor, the WRT1900ACS improves data transfer speeds, allowing you to do more, faster. USB 3.0, ESATA, & GIGABIT ETHERNET PORTS TO SHARE FILES The WRT1900ACS has four Gigabit Ethernet ports that are perfect for transferring large media libraries at speeds 10X faster than Fast Ethernet. To stream or send large files across your network at high speed, simply connect a flash drive to the USB 3.0 port or an external SATA storage device to the eSATA port. The eSATA port also serves as a USB 2.0 port. FOUR EXTERNAL ANTENNAS FOR GREATER RANGE & COVERAGE The WRT1900ACS features four external, adjustable high-performance antennas that provide strong, reliable coverage throughout your home. The unique antenna diversity technology onboard helps your laptop, tablet, smartphone, and other connected devices achieve an optimal connection, wherever they are in your home.
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