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EGP 15,000

Littmann CORE Digital Stethoscope - 8570 High Polish Rainbow & Black

Ismailia City, Ismailia
6 days ago
TypeOther Medical Equipment
Payment OptionCash
Littmann CORE Digital Stethoscope - 8570 High Polish Rainbow & Black Made in USA, Used as new, without a case 3M Littmann CORE Stethoscope toggles between analog and amplified listening modes so you can listen how you want to during assessments. Tunable diaphragm technology—a 3M invention—lets you hear different frequency sounds by simply adjusting the pressure on the chestpiece. Hold the chestpiece with light pressure on the patient to hear low frequency sounds; press a little more to hear higher frequency sounds. Soft-sealing ear tips conform to individual ears for optimal comfort and excellent sound occlusion. The 3M Littmann CORE Stethoscope works with Eko software on iOS and Android devices, giving you a HIPAA compliant means to save and annotate 15, 30, 60 or 120-second recordings in a secure dashboard. Create a library of heart sounds to monitor the progressions of a disease or for education, and securely share recordings with colleagues. 40X amplification based on comparison of analog versus electronically assisted amplified listening with maximum volume at the peak frequency (125 Hz). 2Smart device not included Connects to Eko software (iOS, Android and Windows) to visualize and share heart sound waveforms Up to 40x amplification (at peak frequency, vs. analog mode) Active noise cancellation reduces unwanted background sounds Toggle between analog and amplified listening modes Soft-sealing ear tips provide an excellent acoustic seal and comfortable fit Tunable, dual-sided stainless steel chestpiece with open or closed bell Designed for use with adult and pediatric patients FDA-cleared and HIPAA compliant
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