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EGP 7,000

Logitech MX Master 3S متبرشمة

Hadayek al-Ahram, Giza
3 hours ago
TypeMouse / Keyboard
Logitech MX Master 3S متبرشمة ضمان محلي Compared to MX Master 3, MX Master 3S has 90% less Sound Power Level left and right click, measured at 1m. Requires Logi Options+ software, available for Windows and macOS. Compared to regular Logitech mouse without an electromagnetic scroll wheel. . Compared to Logitech Master 2S mouse with Logi Options+ installed and Smooth scrolling enabled. Battery life may vary based on user and computing conditions. Device basic functions will be supported without software for operating systems other than Windows and macOS. Not compatible with Logitech Unifying technology. Excludes plastic in printed wiring assembly (PWA), receiver, wire, FFC cable, and packaging. Logitech MX MASTER 3S.
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